
Daniel Romero requires immediate medical attention

Committee of Relatives and Friends for the Liberation of Detained Workers.- From the Committee of Relatives and Friends for the Liberation of Detained Workers, due to the health situation of the iron worker Daniel Romero, we demand medical attention as established by law.

His health is at risk, with a reduced physical and psychological state, since he has lost 37 kilos since the time of his imprisonment. By June 11, 2023, when his arrest occurred, Daniel weighed 125 kilos and currently weighs 88 kilos.

Romero, 39 years old, is currently susceptible to any form of decompensation. He suffers severe stomach pains and has a neuropathic problem in his left hand. The hand jumps as if it had Parkinson’s disease. This occurred during the arrest process. For this reason, from this committee, we join the voices of their families who are crying out for urgent medical attention.

The union leader has been deprived of liberty for 11 months and, since the beginning of his detention, his right to the presumption of innocence, to trial in freedom, to procedural speed, to defense, to effective judicial protection and to due process, In general, they have been permanently violated.

He is currently detained in the El Rodeo I Judicial Confinement Center, without the possibility of timely access to medical care and without an adequate diet. His family lives in Puerto Ordaz (Bolívar), which makes visits difficult, which only last 20 minutes on Saturdays.

Romero has been an employee of the Venezuelan Corporation of Guayana (CVG) for more than 12 years. He denounced acts of corruption months before being deprived of liberty and fought for the labor rights of all workers in the Basic Companies of Guayana.

He is accused along with his partner in the case, Leonardo Azócar, of the crimes: Association to commit a crime, instigation of hatred and boycott, but in the file there is no evidence to show that they are guilty. The prosecutor has not presented any evidence that they committed the crimes of which they are accused; For this reason, they should be free, because they are innocent and there is no evidence against them.

We demand that the police authorities address this serious situation of violation of Daniel Romero’s rights immediately. To the court handling his case to expedite the measures that allow Daniel to enjoy a substitution measure. To the Ministry for the Penitentiary Service, access to the medicines and food that Daniel requires; and to all competent institutions and responsible persons, to provide a timely response.

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