
[Eng] Lebanese Communist Party send message to PCV on the occasion of the 90th anniversary

Dear comrades in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV)

Greetings from Lebanon,

We send you this message to salute the struggles of your party, and to express our warmest solidarity and support on the occasion of the 90th anniversary for the establishment of the party.

The history of the PCV has always been full of struggles, sacrifices and stiff commitment to the causes of the working class of Venezuela, Latin America and the whole world.

In this particular moment of struggle against Imperialism and capitalism on the local, regional and international levels, we once again reaffirm that the Lebanese Communist Party highly appreciates and supports our sister party, the PCV, and shares its ambitions for liberation, socialism and international solidarity.

Long live the PCV, and happy anniversary!

Beirut, March 8, 2021

On behalf of the political bureau of the LCP

Responsible for international relations

Omar El Deeb.

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